Dec 5, 2020
Nissan batteries

Over time, certain components under the hood of your vehicle will require attention, including maintenance, repairs, and replacements. Nissan batteries are one of the key parts that will need service at Sansone Nissan. If you’ve been searching for quality Nissan service near Woodbridge, visit our certified technicians today.

About Your Battery

Your battery may be small, but without it, your Nissan Maxima wouldn’t run. To kickstart your vehicle and send power to all of its components, an initial shock of electricity is required. This jolt transforms a chemical reaction into an electrical reaction.

Typically, batteries last up to five years, but this time frame can be impacted by certain factors, including extreme weather conditions like humidity or heavy snow. Leaving the exterior or dome lights on overnight, allowing the car to stay on without the engine running, and frequent quick drives are also situations that can leave you with a dead battery.


When to Change Your Battery

It is important to know the signs of a declining battery and not to ignore them, which can leave you stranded on the side of the road or stuck in your driveway. If you smell a rotten egg-like odor or notice that your headlights are more dim than usual, it’s time to come see us.

Other indicators can include difficulty starting your car, your check engine light turning on, or actual swelling of the battery itself. Whether your wires need to be adjusted or you need a new part altogether, our technicians can help.

For quality service, used Nissan cars, and genuine parts, visit Sansone Nissan. We can’t wait to work with you and your vehicle soon!