Jul 21, 2023
Car Battery

The car battery has a far greater role than just powering the ignition. It also provides power to the electrical system and other components. Learn to recognize the signs your battery may be nearing its end. It may be time to browse our selection of auto batteries for sale at Sansone Nissan.

Slow Engine Crank

When you turn the ignition, the engine may crank several times before it sputters to life. Eventually, the engine may be unable to pull enough amperage from the battery and fail to start altogether. This is a core symptom of a battery on its last legs.

Dim Headlights

The headlights are one of the many components that rely on the battery for power. If the headlights appear dimmer than normal, then the battery may be low on voltage. Dim headlights are a safety liability as this reduces nighttime visibility.

Dashboard Warning Light

The dashboard icon of a battery is pretty straightforward. It’s warning you of an issue with the battery. Apart from the battery, this may also be an indicator of issues with the alternator or electrical system.

Swollen Battery Case

A visual inspection under the hood may reveal that a section of the battery housing case is swollen on one or more sides. Batteries swell when exposed to extreme hot or cold temperatures. The battery’s fluid loses density due to freezing, lost electrolytes, and other molecular changes.

Auto Batteries for Sale at Sansone Nissan

Ignoring the signs of a dying battery can lead to your car failing to start at the most inopportune time. Schedule a battery test and inspection at Sansone Nissan today. We make buying a new car battery and subsequent installation easy and efficient.