Jan 11, 2023
Jump Starting a Car

There is nothing worse than a dead battery that leaves you stranded on the side of the road. Although regular service can prevent situations like this, knowing how to jump-start your car could help you in an emergency. Here’s a quick how-to from the experts at our Nissan service center.

1. Find An Available Vehicle

If you’ve tried to turn the key in your engine but your car still won’t start, you’ll want to find a volunteer vehicle to help you restart your battery. Ensure both cars are parked and facing each other, with the engines off and emergency brakes on. If you don’t have jumper cables, call someone who has them, since you will need them in the next step.

2. Attach Jumper Cables

Once both cars are situated, you’ll want to connect one end of the red jumper cable to the positive terminal of the dead battery and the other end of the red cable to the volunteer car’s positive battery terminal. Next, you’ll want to attach one end of the black cable to the volunteer battery’s negative terminal and the other end to an unpainted metal section in the dead car, such as a bolt.

3. Start the Engine

After you connect the cables correctly, start the donor vehicle’s engine and let it run for at least one to two minutes. Next, try to turn on your engine. If your car isn’t starting, wait a couple of minutes to let the battery charge and try again. Never exceed more than three or four tries in a row, as this could damage your vehicle.

4. Disconnect The Cables

Once your car runs properly, you’ll want to disconnect all the cables. Don’t let the clamps touch during this process. Taking the car for a short drive afterward will help the battery charge and ensure it starts appropriately next time.

Your battery may need service if your car breaks down often or it doesn’t start after multiple attempts. In that case, we invite you to contact Sansone Nissan to schedule a service appointment!