Jan 22, 2019

Nissan dealers like us love talking about new Nissan models, but that feeling is even better when we get to discuss huge innovations in our field. Lucky for us, the Nissan Leaf is both! If you’ve yet to hear about this best-selling electric vehicle, we’ve got you covered with the facts.

Taking inspiration from the environmentally friendly Nissan Leaf, our brand engineers are now talking about ways to utilize the battery pack to store and share energy – and not just in cars. In the works is an entire electrical grid concept with a new twist that we’re calling the “electric vehicle ecosystem.”

Three separate efforts called Nissan Energy Supply, Nissan Energy Share, and Nissan Energy Storage are in the planning stages. The goal is to streamline home charging for electric vehicles and increase safe charging conditions.

Next, the Nissan automakers plan to tap into that battery storage to develop new, advanced vehicle-to-home technology where, essentially, your vehicle could power your home during a blackout or when electric rates are higher due to demand, or even just at night. This plan also involves solar panels and other environmentally friendly energy sources.

In theory, this same or a similar system could change the way business locations use electricity on a daily basis as well; they could use a fleet of Nissan vehicles to potentially achieve this same effect. An additional interesting part of the plan involves finding secondary uses for old battery packs, like powering forklifts.

There is so much more involved in these Nissan developments; we could really talk about it all day. If you’re as impressed with this new automotive technology as we are, we hope you consider joining the Nissan family with a new car. Visit our car dealership in Avenel, NJ for supreme Nissan deals today.