Jul 7, 2019

If your air conditioner stops working in your vehicle, try not to lose your cool. With a quick appointment with the pros at Sansone Nissan, we can get you back on the road for all your summer travels.

We know it’s no fun when you’re trying to blast the AC to combat the 80-90 degree weather and the only thing that comes out is warm air. Worse still, we’ve been in those situations where you turn it on and no air comes out at all. 

However, we don’t want you to fret if this happens because our Nissan service center is equipped to diagnose any air conditioning related problems and fix them in a timely manner. 

Our most common AC service is a system charge. Essentially, the pressure and refrigerant fluid in your air conditioner are what make the air cold. If the fluid is too low, from a leak or for any other reason, your system will blow out warm air. 

If it turns out it is a leak, we will replace the hose or other component that is causing the problem. Another easy AC fix is a filter change. Sometimes your filter will pick up too much debris from the air and get clogged; we can simply unclog it for you.

Lastly, if neither of those issues is the culprit, it might be a radiator or condenser issue. While this might be a more complicated repair than the first two, you can rest easy because our trained and certified technicians have seen and dealt with it all.

As your nearest Nissan dealer, make an appointment with us today for any of your service needs. We look forward to helping you soon!