Aug 15, 2019

The phrase “road hazards” is often made synonymous with snow and ice, however, there’s so much more to it than that. Weather, construction, debris, and even other drivers out there on the road can be a risk to your safety and your health if you’re not alert and aware while driving. Luckily, the professionals at our Nissan service center and dealership are prepared to help. 

Watch out for weather! Water on the road, whether it’s less than 32 degrees outside or not, can be a hazard. Poor visibility, hydroplaning, and flooding can all be concerns when one of those summer storms hits. We recommend slowing down and driving with caution whenever you experience inclement weather on the road.

Avoid those potholes and other debris! If you drive the speed limit and keep your eyes on the road, you can avoid damage to your tires, rims, and worse. When it comes to construction zones, you want to be aware of not just the workers, but also the cones, equipment, and other potential obstacles. 

Don’t drive impaired! While using drugs or alcohol and then driving is an obvious big no-no, did you also realize that driving while sleep deprived is almost just as dangerous? Another kind of driving impairment is driving distracted. With various options these days for Bluetooth compatibility, there’s just no excuse to text or call while driving unless it’s hands-free.

Be the best defensive driver you can be! Slow down in congested areas, yield to right of way, and follow the speed limit. All of these things can ensure you’re driving safely and have time to pump the brakes if a reckless driver interferes. 

If we are your “Nissan showroom near me,” come see us about all of your car ownership and car care concerns. We look forward to welcoming you into our Nissan dealership family in Avenel.