Aug 11, 2023
Oil Change 2

Motor oil is what enables the engine to continuously run, even under extreme weather conditions. However, oil degrades with time and use. It’s also possible that your car can develop leaks over time. Learn the primary causes of leaks and what you can do to prevent premature loss of oil. The key is to make an oil change in Woodbridge, NJ a regularity.

Worn Oil Drain Plug

The oil drain plug is removed with each oil change. With constant insertion and removal, the drain plug can get worn over time. The same goes for the gasket around the drain plug, which can equally wear out. This can lead to the plug becoming less secure, eventually causing a leak.

Worn Oil Pan

The oil pan is made from metal, making it susceptible to rust. Holes can form through the rust, especially when pelted by pebbles and other road debris. Holes in the oil pan can enable oil to leak out.

Worn Valve Cover Gasket

The valve cover gasket is positioned above the engine. This is where the oil filler cap is located. There’s also a gasket that acts as a seal. Once the gasket wears, oil can seep. If not treated, the seepage can evolve into a leak.

Worn Oil Filter

The filter should be changed with the oil. A leak can occur if the new filter is installed improperly. Filters are also prone to rusting.

Worn Crankcase Ventilation

The crankcase ventilation system has a filter that can clog up. This can lead to overpressure, in turn causing a leak. This often emanates from more than one place.

Schedule an Oil Change in Woodbridge, NJ

One of the best ways to prevent an oil leak is to schedule regular oil changes. Make an appointment for an oil change at Sansone Nissan today.