Apr 15, 2023

Although there are many aspects to pay attention to when it comes to maintenance, your Nissan brakes are a vital component of your vehicle, and you should prioritize them to ensure peak performance. At Sansone Nissan, our dealership strives to provide an exceptional service experience for our customers. So, let’s look at three tips that will protect your Nissan brakes.

1.    Don’t Slam Down on the Brakes

Sometimes an abrupt stop is necessary to prevent an accident, but doing this too often can add excessive wear to your brake system over time. Slowing your speed before coming to a complete stop protects your brake pads from future damage or premature wear. In addition, having a professional check your brakes can help you identify issues before they become a bigger problem.

2.    Brake Fluid Flushes

Although specific intervals can vary by model, you should regularly get the brake fluid replaced in your vehicle, as this liquid helps them work effectively. Over time, frequent emergency braking and heavy use will decrease the lifespan of the components of your brake system. Our service technicians will use manufacturer-recommended fluid during service.

3.    Don’t Place Both Feet on The Pedals

If you tend to place one foot on the brake while the other is on the accelerator, you’re more likely to overuse the brake, causing premature wear on your brake system. Avoiding this bad habit can extend the life of your brake pedal and prevent future repairs.

Nissan Brake Service at Sansone Nissan

Whether you need to replace your brakes or your car requires an emergency repair, we hope you’ll choose Sansone Nissan. Schedule Nissan service today!